Traduction PlotMe ?

Discussion dans 'Demande de traduction de plugin' créé par Skywarmer, 9 Mai 2015.

MineStrator, Votre hébergeur de serveur minecraft
  1. Skywarmer

    Skywarmer Soldat

    bonjour je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait me traduire cette partie du plugin PlotMe ? :Shamefullyembarrased:

    fichier à traduire : :Linkme:

    ConsoleHelpMain: ' ---==PlotMe Console Help Page==---'
    ConsoleHelpReload: ' - Reloads the plugin and its configuration files'
    ErrCannotBuild: 'You cannot build here.'
    ErrCannotUse: 'You cannot use that.'
    ErrCannotUseEggs: 'You cannot use eggs here.'
    ErrCreatingPlotAt: 'An error occured while creating the plot at'
    ErrMovingPlot: 'Error moving plot'
    HelpAdd: 'Allows a player to have full access to the plot(This is your responsibility!)'
    HelpAddTime1: 'Resets the expiration date to'
    HelpAddTime2: 'days from now.'
    HelpAuction: 'Puts your plot for auction.'
    HelpAuto: 'Claims the next available free plot.'
    HelpBid: 'Places a bid on the current plot.'
    HelpBiome: 'Changes the plots biome to the one specified.'
    HelpBiomeInfo: 'Shows the current biome in the plot.'
    HelpBiomeList: 'Lists all possible biomes.'
    HelpBuy: 'Buys a plot at the price listed.'
    HelpClaim: 'Claims the current plot you are standing on.'
    HelpClaimOther: 'Claims the current plot you are standing on for another player.'
    HelpClear: 'Clears the plot to its original flat state.'
    HelpComment: 'Leave comment on the current plot.'
    HelpComments: 'Lists all comments users have said about your plot.'
    HelpDeny: 'Prevents a player from moving onto your plot.'
    HelpDispose: 'You will no longer own the plot but it will not get cleared.'
    HelpDone: 'Toggles a plot done or not done.'
    HelpDoneList: 'Lists finished plots.'
    HelpExpired: 'Lists expired plots.'
    HelpHome: 'Teleports you to your plot, :# if you own multiple plots.'
    HelpHomeOther: 'Teleports you to other plots, :# if other people own multiple plots.'
    HelpId: 'Gets plot id and coordinates of the current plot your standing on.'
    HelpInfo: 'Displays information about the plot you''re standing on.'
    HelpList: 'Lists every plot you can build on.'
    HelpListOther: 'Lists every plot <player> can build on.'
    HelpMove: 'Swaps the plots blocks(highly experimental for now, use at your own risk).'
    HelpReload: 'Reloads the plugin and its configuration files.'
    HelpRemove: 'Revokes a players access to the plot.'
    HelpReset: 'Resets the plot to its original flat state AND remove its owner.'
    HelpResetExpired: 'Resets the 50 oldest plots on that world.'
    HelpSell: 'Puts your plot for sale.'
    HelpSellBank: 'Sells your plot to the bank for'
    HelpSetowner: 'Sets the player provided as the owner of the plot your currently on.'
    HelpTitle: 'PlotMe Help Page'
    HelpTp: 'Teleports to a plot in the current world.'
    HelpUndeny: 'Allows a previously denied player to move onto your plot.'
    HelpUsedOf: 'used of'
    HelpWEAnywhere: 'Toggles using worldedit anywhere.'
    HelpYourPlotLimitWorld: 'Your plot limit in this world'
    InfoAuctionned: 'Auctionned'
    InfoBid: 'Bid'
    InfoBidder: 'Bidder'
    InfoBiome: 'Biome'
    InfoDenied: 'Denied'
    InfoExpire: 'Expire date'
    InfoFinished: 'Finished'
    InfoForSale: 'For sale'
    InfoHelpers: 'Helpers'
    InfoId: 'ID'
    InfoMinimumBid: 'Minimum bid'
    InfoOwner: 'Owner'
    InfoProtected: 'Protected'
    MsgAddedPlayer: 'added player'
    MsgAlreadyAllowed: 'was already allowed'
    MsgAlreadyDenied: 'was already denied'
    MsgAlreadyProcessingPlots: 'is already processing expired plots'
    MsgAlreadyReachedMaxPlots: 'You have already reached your maximum amount of plots'
    MsgAndPlot: 'and plot'
    MsgAuctionCancelled: 'Auction cancelled.'
    MsgAuctionCancelledOnPlot: 'Auction cancelled on plot'
    MsgAuctionStarted: 'Auction started.'
    MsgBidAccepted: 'Bid accepted.'
    MsgBiomeSet: 'Biome set to'
    MsgBoughtPlot: 'bought plot'
    MsgCanBuild: 'can build:'
    MsgCannotBidOwnPlot: 'You cannot bid on your own plot.'
    MsgCannotBuyOwnPlot: 'You cannot buy your own plot.'
    MsgCannotClaimRoad: 'You cannot claim the road.'
    MsgCannotCustomPriceDefault: 'You cannot customize the price. Default price is :'
    MsgCannotSellToBank: 'Plots cannot be sold to the bank in this world.'
    MsgChangedBiome: 'changed the biome of plot'
    MsgChangedOwnerFrom: 'changed owner from'
    MsgChangedOwnerOf: 'changed owner of'
    MsgClaimedPlot: 'claimed plot'
    MsgClearedPlot: 'cleared plot'
    MsgCommentAdded: 'Comment added.'
    MsgCommentedPlot: 'commented on plot'
    MsgComments: 'comments.'
    MsgDeleteSessionFinished: 'Deletion session finished, rerun to reset more plots'
    MsgDeletedExpiredPlots: 'Deleted expired plot'
    MsgDeniedPlayer: 'denied player'
    MsgDisposedPlot: 'disposed of plot'
    MsgDoNotOwnPlot: 'You do not own this plot.'
    MsgDoesNotExistOrNotLoaded: 'does not exist or is not loaded.'
    MsgDoesNotHavePlot: 'does not have a plot'
    MsgEconomyDisabledWorld: 'Economy is disabled for this world.'
    MsgExchangedPlot: 'exchanged plot'
    MsgExpiredPlotsPage: 'Expired plots page'
    MsgFinishedPlotsPage: 'Finished plots page'
    MsgFromBeingSold: 'from being sold'
    MsgFromPlot: 'from plot'
    MsgHasNoOwner: 'has no owners.'
    MsgInvalidAmount: 'Invalid amount. Must be above or equal to 0.'
    MsgInvalidBidMustBeAbove: 'Invalid bid. Must be above'
    MsgIsInvalidBiome: 'is not a valid biome.'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhere: 'List of plots where'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhereYou: 'List of plots where you can build:'
    MsgMarkFinished: 'Plot is now marked finished.'
    MsgNoComments: 'No comments'
    MsgNoPlotExpired: 'No plots are expired'
    MsgNoPlotFound: 'No plot found'
    MsgNoPlotFound1: 'No plot found within'
    MsgNoPlotFound2: 'plots. Contact an admin.'
    MsgNoPlotsFinished: 'No plots are finished'
    MsgNoPlotworldFound: 'No Plot world found.'
    MsgNotEnoughAdd: 'You do not have enough to add a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughAuto: 'You do not have enough to buy a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughBid: 'You do not have enough to bid this much.'
    MsgNotEnoughBiome: 'You do not have enough to change the biome.'
    MsgNotEnoughBuy: 'You do not have enough to buy this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughClear: 'You do not have enough to clear the plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughComment: 'You do not have enough to comment on a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughDeny: 'You do not have enough to deny a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughDispose: 'You do not have enough to dispose of this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughProtectPlot: 'You do not have enough to protect this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughRemove: 'You do not have enough to remove a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughTp: 'You do not have enough to teleport home.'
    MsgNotEnoughUndeny: 'You do not have enough to undeny a player.'
    MsgNotPlotWorld: 'This is not a plot world.'
    MsgNotYoursCannotDispose: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to dispose it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedAdd: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to add someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedBiome: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to change it''s biome.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedClear: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to clear it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedDeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to deny someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedRemove: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to remove someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedUndeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to undeny someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedViewComments: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to view the comments.'
    MsgNowAllowed: 'now allowed.'
    MsgNowDenied: 'now denied.'
    MsgNowOwnedBy: 'is now owned by'
    MsgNowUndenied: 'now undenied.'
    MsgOutbidOnPlot: 'Outbid on plot'
    MsgOwnedBy: 'owned by'
    MsgOwnerChangedTo: 'Plot Owner has been set to'
    MsgPermissionDenied: 'Permission denied'
    MsgPlotBought: 'Plot bought.'
    MsgPlotCleared: 'Plot cleared.'
    MsgPlotDisposedAnyoneClaim: 'Plot disposed. Anyone can claim it.'
    MsgPlotExpirationReset: 'Plot expiration reset'
    MsgPlotForSale: 'Plot now for sale.'
    MsgPlotHasBidsAskAdmin: 'Plot is being auctionned and has bids. Ask an admin to cancel it.'
    MsgPlotMovedSuccess: 'Plot moved successfully'
    MsgPlotNoLongerProtected: 'Plot is no longer protected. It is now possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotNoLongerSale: 'Plot no longer for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotAuctionned: 'This plot isn''t being auctionned.'
    MsgPlotNotForSale: 'Plot isn''t for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotFound: 'Could not find plot'
    MsgPlotNowProtected: 'Plot is now protected. It won''t be possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotClear: 'Plot is protected and cannot be cleared.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotReset: 'Plot is protected and cannot be reset.'
    MsgPlotProtectedNotDisposed: 'Plot is protected and cannot be disposed.'
    MsgPlotReset: 'Plot has been reset.'
    MsgPlotSold: 'Plot sold.'
    MsgPlotUsingBiome: 'This plot is using the biome'
    MsgProtectedPlot: 'protected plot'
    MsgPutOnSalePlot: 'put on sale plot'
    MsgReloadedConfigurations: 'reloaded configurations'
    MsgReloadedSuccess: 'reloaded successfully'
    MsgRemovedPlayer: 'removed player'
    MsgRemovedPlot: 'removed the plot'
    MsgResetPlot: 'reset plot'
    MsgSellingPlotsIsDisabledWorld: 'Selling plots is disabled in this world.'
    MsgSoldTo: 'sold to'
    MsgSoldToBank: 'sold to bank.'
    MsgSoldToBankPlot: 'sold to bank plot'
    MsgStartDeleteSession: 'Starting delete session'
    MsgStartedAuctionOnPlot: 'started an auction on plot'
    MsgStoppedTheAuctionOnPlot: 'stopped the auction on plot'
    MsgThisPlot: 'This plot'
    MsgThisPlotIsNow: 'This plot is now '
    MsgThisPlotOwned: 'This plot is already owned.'
    MsgThisPlotYours: 'This plot is now yours.'
    MsgToGetToIt: 'to get to it'
    MsgToPlot: 'to plot'
    MsgUndeniedPlayer: 'undenied player'
    MsgUnmarkFinished: 'Plot is no longer marked finished.'
    MsgUnprotectedPlot: 'unprotected plot'
    MsgWasDisposed: 'was disposed.'
    MsgWasNotAllowed: 'was not allowed'
    MsgWasNotDenied: 'was not denied'
    MsgWasReset: 'was reset.'
    MsgWorldEditAnywhere: 'You can now WorldEdit anywhere'
    MsgWorldEditInYourPlots: 'You can now only WorldEdit in your plots'
    MsgWorldNotPlot: 'does not exist or is not a plot world.'
    MsgYouHave: 'You have'
    MsgYouHaveNoPlot: 'You don''t have a plot.'
    merci d'avance :)
    Dernière édition: 9 Mai 2015
  2. IniActiviti

    IniActiviti Co-Fondateur CMW Staff Co-Fondateur Community Manager

    1 273
    Quand on demande un service le minimum c'est de présenter sa demande avec un minimum de politesse.
    • J'aime J'aime x 1
    Dernière édition: 9 Mai 2015
  3. Skywarmer

    Skywarmer Soldat

    je m'en excuse, je n'est pas eu le temps de marquer car je devait me deconnecter.
    maintenant que j'ai le temps je vais le modifier :)

    merci de l'avoir remarquer
    • J'accepte J'accepte x 1
  4. Hexday18

    Hexday18 Commandant

    Aide: ' ---==PlotMe aide page==---'
    ConsoleHelpReload: ' - Veuillez reload le plugin'
    ErrCannotBuild: 'Vous ne pouvez pas construire içi.'
    ErrCannotUse: 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ceci'
    ErrCannotUseEggs: 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser d'oeufs içi.'
    ErrCreatingPlotAt: 'Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un nouveau terrain'
    ErrMovingPlot: 'Une erreur s'est produite lors du déplacement du terrain'
    HelpAdd: 'N'importe quel personne a accès à votre terrain librement.(Ceci est votre responsabilité!)'
    HelpAddTime1: 'Remettre la date d'expiration à'
    HelpAddTime2: 'Commence maintenant.'
    HelpAuction: 'Mettez votre terrain au enchères.'
    HelpAuto: 'Claims the next available free plot.'
    HelpBid: 'Places a bid on the current plot.'
    HelpBiome: 'Changes the plots biome to the one specified.'
    HelpBiomeInfo: 'Shows the current biome in the plot.'
    HelpBiomeList: 'Lists all possible biomes.'
    HelpBuy: 'Buys a plot at the price listed.'
    HelpClaim: 'Claims the current plot you are standing on.'
    HelpClaimOther: 'Claims the current plot you are standing on for another player.'
    HelpClear: 'Clears the plot to its original flat state.'
    HelpComment: 'Leave comment on the current plot.'
    HelpComments: 'Lists all comments users have said about your plot.'
    HelpDeny: 'Prevents a player from moving onto your plot.'
    HelpDispose: 'You will no longer own the plot but it will not get cleared.'
    HelpDone: 'Toggles a plot done or not done.'
    HelpDoneList: 'Lists finished plots.'
    HelpExpired: 'Lists expired plots.'
    HelpHome: 'Teleports you to your plot, :# if you own multiple plots.'
    HelpHomeOther: 'Teleports you to other plots, :# if other people own multiple plots.'
    HelpId: 'Gets plot id and coordinates of the current plot your standing on.'
    HelpInfo: 'Displays information about the plot you''re standing on.'
    HelpList: 'Lists every plot you can build on.'
    HelpListOther: 'Lists every plot <player> can build on.'
    HelpMove: 'Swaps the plots blocks(highly experimental for now, use at your own risk).'
    HelpReload: 'Reloads the plugin and its configuration files.'
    HelpRemove: 'Revokes a players access to the plot.'
    HelpReset: 'Resets the plot to its original flat state AND remove its owner.'
    HelpResetExpired: 'Resets the 50 oldest plots on that world.'
    HelpSell: 'Puts your plot for sale.'
    HelpSellBank: 'Sells your plot to the bank for'
    HelpSetowner: 'Sets the player provided as the owner of the plot your currently on.'
    HelpTitle: 'PlotMe Help Page'
    HelpTp: 'Teleports to a plot in the current world.'
    HelpUndeny: 'Allows a previously denied player to move onto your plot.'
    HelpUsedOf: 'used of'
    HelpWEAnywhere: 'Toggles using worldedit anywhere.'
    HelpYourPlotLimitWorld: 'Your plot limit in this world'
    InfoAuctionned: 'Auctionned'
    InfoBid: 'Bid'
    InfoBidder: 'Bidder'
    InfoBiome: 'Biome'
    InfoDenied: 'Denied'
    InfoExpire: 'Expire date'
    InfoFinished: 'Finished'
    InfoForSale: 'For sale'
    InfoHelpers: 'Helpers'
    InfoId: 'ID'
    InfoMinimumBid: 'Minimum bid'
    InfoOwner: 'Owner'
    InfoProtected: 'Protected'
    MsgAddedPlayer: 'added player'
    MsgAlreadyAllowed: 'was already allowed'
    MsgAlreadyDenied: 'was already denied'
    MsgAlreadyProcessingPlots: 'is already processing expired plots'
    MsgAlreadyReachedMaxPlots: 'You have already reached your maximum amount of plots'
    MsgAndPlot: 'and plot'
    MsgAuctionCancelled: 'Auction cancelled.'
    MsgAuctionCancelledOnPlot: 'Auction cancelled on plot'
    MsgAuctionStarted: 'Auction started.'
    MsgBidAccepted: 'Bid accepted.'
    MsgBiomeSet: 'Biome set to'
    MsgBoughtPlot: 'bought plot'
    MsgCanBuild: 'can build:'
    MsgCannotBidOwnPlot: 'You cannot bid on your own plot.'
    MsgCannotBuyOwnPlot: 'You cannot buy your own plot.'
    MsgCannotClaimRoad: 'You cannot claim the road.'
    MsgCannotCustomPriceDefault: 'You cannot customize the price. Default price is :'
    MsgCannotSellToBank: 'Plots cannot be sold to the bank in this world.'
    MsgChangedBiome: 'changed the biome of plot'
    MsgChangedOwnerFrom: 'changed owner from'
    MsgChangedOwnerOf: 'changed owner of'
    MsgClaimedPlot: 'claimed plot'
    MsgClearedPlot: 'cleared plot'
    MsgCommentAdded: 'Comment added.'
    MsgCommentedPlot: 'commented on plot'
    MsgComments: 'comments.'
    MsgDeleteSessionFinished: 'Deletion session finished, rerun to reset more plots'
    MsgDeletedExpiredPlots: 'Deleted expired plot'
    MsgDeniedPlayer: 'denied player'
    MsgDisposedPlot: 'disposed of plot'
    MsgDoNotOwnPlot: 'You do not own this plot.'
    MsgDoesNotExistOrNotLoaded: 'does not exist or is not loaded.'
    MsgDoesNotHavePlot: 'does not have a plot'
    MsgEconomyDisabledWorld: 'Economy is disabled for this world.'
    MsgExchangedPlot: 'exchanged plot'
    MsgExpiredPlotsPage: 'Expired plots page'
    MsgFinishedPlotsPage: 'Finished plots page'
    MsgFromBeingSold: 'from being sold'
    MsgFromPlot: 'from plot'
    MsgHasNoOwner: 'has no owners.'
    MsgInvalidAmount: 'Invalid amount. Must be above or equal to 0.'
    MsgInvalidBidMustBeAbove: 'Invalid bid. Must be above'
    MsgIsInvalidBiome: 'is not a valid biome.'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhere: 'List of plots where'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhereYou: 'List of plots where you can build:'
    MsgMarkFinished: 'Plot is now marked finished.'
    MsgNoComments: 'No comments'
    MsgNoPlotExpired: 'No plots are expired'
    MsgNoPlotFound: 'No plot found'
    MsgNoPlotFound1: 'No plot found within'
    MsgNoPlotFound2: 'plots. Contact an admin.'
    MsgNoPlotsFinished: 'No plots are finished'
    MsgNoPlotworldFound: 'No Plot world found.'
    MsgNotEnoughAdd: 'You do not have enough to add a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughAuto: 'You do not have enough to buy a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughBid: 'You do not have enough to bid this much.'
    MsgNotEnoughBiome: 'You do not have enough to change the biome.'
    MsgNotEnoughBuy: 'You do not have enough to buy this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughClear: 'You do not have enough to clear the plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughComment: 'You do not have enough to comment on a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughDeny: 'You do not have enough to deny a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughDispose: 'You do not have enough to dispose of this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughProtectPlot: 'You do not have enough to protect this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughRemove: 'You do not have enough to remove a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughTp: 'You do not have enough to teleport home.'
    MsgNotEnoughUndeny: 'You do not have enough to undeny a player.'
    MsgNotPlotWorld: 'This is not a plot world.'
    MsgNotYoursCannotDispose: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to dispose it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedAdd: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to add someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedBiome: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to change it''s biome.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedClear: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to clear it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedDeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to deny someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedRemove: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to remove someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedUndeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to undeny someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedViewComments: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to view the comments.'
    MsgNowAllowed: 'now allowed.'
    MsgNowDenied: 'now denied.'
    MsgNowOwnedBy: 'is now owned by'
    MsgNowUndenied: 'now undenied.'
    MsgOutbidOnPlot: 'Outbid on plot'
    MsgOwnedBy: 'owned by'
    MsgOwnerChangedTo: 'Plot Owner has been set to'
    MsgPermissionDenied: 'Permission denied'
    MsgPlotBought: 'Plot bought.'
    MsgPlotCleared: 'Plot cleared.'
    MsgPlotDisposedAnyoneClaim: 'Plot disposed. Anyone can claim it.'
    MsgPlotExpirationReset: 'Plot expiration reset'
    MsgPlotForSale: 'Plot now for sale.'
    MsgPlotHasBidsAskAdmin: 'Plot is being auctionned and has bids. Ask an admin to cancel it.'
    MsgPlotMovedSuccess: 'Plot moved successfully'
    MsgPlotNoLongerProtected: 'Plot is no longer protected. It is now possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotNoLongerSale: 'Plot no longer for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotAuctionned: 'This plot isn''t being auctionned.'
    MsgPlotNotForSale: 'Plot isn''t for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotFound: 'Could not find plot'
    MsgPlotNowProtected: 'Plot is now protected. It won''t be possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotClear: 'Plot is protected and cannot be cleared.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotReset: 'Plot is protected and cannot be reset.'
    MsgPlotProtectedNotDisposed: 'Plot is protected and cannot be disposed.'
    MsgPlotReset: 'Plot has been reset.'
    MsgPlotSold: 'Plot sold.'
    MsgPlotUsingBiome: 'This plot is using the biome'
    MsgProtectedPlot: 'protected plot'
    MsgPutOnSalePlot: 'put on sale plot'
    MsgReloadedConfigurations: 'reloaded configurations'
    MsgReloadedSuccess: 'reloaded successfully'
    MsgRemovedPlayer: 'removed player'
    MsgRemovedPlot: 'removed the plot'
    MsgResetPlot: 'reset plot'
    MsgSellingPlotsIsDisabledWorld: 'Selling plots is disabled in this world.'
    MsgSoldTo: 'sold to'
    MsgSoldToBank: 'sold to bank.'
    MsgSoldToBankPlot: 'sold to bank plot'
    MsgStartDeleteSession: 'Starting delete session'
    MsgStartedAuctionOnPlot: 'started an auction on plot'
    MsgStoppedTheAuctionOnPlot: 'stopped the auction on plot'
    MsgThisPlot: 'This plot'
    MsgThisPlotIsNow: 'This plot is now '
    MsgThisPlotOwned: 'This plot is already owned.'
    MsgThisPlotYours: 'This plot is now yours.'
    MsgToGetToIt: 'to get to it'
    MsgToPlot: 'to plot'
    MsgUndeniedPlayer: 'undenied player'
    MsgUnmarkFinished: 'Plot is no longer marked finished.'
    MsgUnprotectedPlot: 'unprotected plot'
    MsgWasDisposed: 'was disposed.'
    MsgWasNotAllowed: 'was not allowed'
    MsgWasNotDenied: 'was not denied'
    MsgWasReset: 'was reset.'
    MsgWorldEditAnywhere: 'You can now WorldEdit anywhere'
    MsgWorldEditInYourPlots: 'You can now only WorldEdit in your plots'
    MsgWorldNotPlot: 'does not exist or is not a plot world.'
    MsgYouHave: 'You have'
    MsgYouHaveNoPlot: 'You don''t have a plot.'

    Ce que j'ai mis en bleu ce que j'ai eu le temps de faire, je recommencerais lorsque j'aurais un peu plus de temps.
    • J'aime J'aime x 1
  5. Skywarmer

    Skywarmer Soldat

    d'accord merci a plus tard alors ;)
  6. Jorishdpvp

    Jorishdpvp Sergent-chef

    Franchement tu aurai pu le faire ...
  7. Skywarmer

    Skywarmer Soldat

    peut - être...
    si j'était pas aussi flemard et nul en anglais ;p
  8. Jorishdpvp

    Jorishdpvp Sergent-chef

    Ahah ^^ Vive google traduction :3 Enfin bref ^^
  9. Malo > Izychiel

    Malo > Izychiel 1er classe

    Bah nan, autant demander sur un forum, c'est propre et la preuve, il y toujours des gens pour aider ;)
    Merci @Hexday18 ;)
  10. Hexday18

    Hexday18 Commandant

    C'est normal,
    Aide: ' ---==PlotMe aide page==---'
    ConsoleHelpReload: ' - Veuillez reload le plugin'
    ErrCannotBuild: 'Vous ne pouvez pas construire içi.'
    ErrCannotUse: 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser ceci'
    ErrCannotUseEggs: 'Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser d'oeufs içi.'
    ErrCreatingPlotAt: 'Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création d'un nouveau terrain'
    ErrMovingPlot: 'Une erreur s'est produite lors du déplacement du terrain'
    HelpAdd: 'N'importe quel personne a accès à votre terrain librement.(Ceci est votre responsabilité!)'
    HelpAddTime1: 'Remettre la date d'expiration à'
    HelpAddTime2: 'Commence maintenant.'
    HelpAuction: 'Mettez votre terrain au enchères.'
    HelpAuto: 'Veuillez claim le prochain terrain disponible.'
    HelpBid: 'Placez un offre sur le terrain actuel'
    HelpBiome: 'Merci de changer le biom du terrain avec celui indiqué.'
    HelpBiomeInfo: 'Montre le biome actuel dans le terrain.'
    HelpBiomeList: 'Liste de tous les biomes disponibles.'
    HelpBuy: 'Achetez un terrain au prix inscrit.'
    HelpClaim: 'Veuillez claim votre terrain actuel.'
    HelpClaimOther: 'Pour claim le complot acutel de l'autre joueur.'
    HelpClear: 'Nettoyez le terrain pour le remettre au début.'
    HelpComment: 'Le commentaire d'un autre terrain.'
    HelpComments: 'Liste des joueurs ayant laissé sur un commentaire sur votre terrain'
    HelpDeny: 'Prevenez le joueur de se déplacer dans votre terrain'
    HelpDispose: 'Vous n'êtes plus le propriétaire du terrain mais votre terrain n'a pas été supprimé.'
    HelpDone: 'Toggles a plot done or not done.'
    HelpDoneList: 'Liste fini du terrain.'
    HelpExpired: 'La liste du terrain a expiré.'
    HelpHome: 'Vous êtes téléporté vers votre terrain, :# si vous avez plusieurs terrains.'
    HelpHomeOther: 'Vous êtes téléporté vers un autre terrain, :# si la personne a plusieurs terrains.'
    HelpId: 'Donnez l'id et les cordonnés du terrain où vous êtes présent.'
    HelpInfo: 'Affiche des informations sur le terrain où vous êtes.'
    HelpList: 'Liste de tous les terrains où vous pouvez construire.'
    HelpListOther: 'Liste de tous les joueurs <player> pouvant construire sur le terrain.'
    HelpMove: 'Echange ds blocs du terrain(Attention, celà peut être dangereux).'
    HelpReload: 'Reload la configuration et le plugin'
    HelpRemove: 'Supprimer les joueurs ayant àccès au terrain.'
    HelpReset: 'Remettre à zéro le terrain et supprimer le propriétaire.'
    HelpResetExpired: 'Supprimer les 50 derniers terrain.'
    HelpSell: 'Mettre son terrain à vendre'
    HelpSellBank: 'Vendre votre terrain à la banque pour'
    HelpSetowner: 'Mettre le joueur propriétaire sur le terrain.'
    HelpTitle: 'PlotMe Aide Page'
    HelpTp: 'Teleportation vers le terrain dans le même monde.'
    HelpUndeny: 'Allows a previously denied player to move onto your plot.'
    HelpUsedOf: 'used of'
    HelpWEAnywhere: 'Toggles using worldedit anywhere.'
    HelpYourPlotLimitWorld: 'Your plot limit in this world'
    InfoAuctionned: 'Auctionned'
    InfoBid: 'Bid'
    InfoBidder: 'Bidder'
    InfoBiome: 'Biome'
    InfoDenied: 'Denied'
    InfoExpire: 'Expire date'
    InfoFinished: 'Finished'
    InfoForSale: 'For sale'
    InfoHelpers: 'Helpers'
    InfoId: 'ID'
    InfoMinimumBid: 'Minimum bid'
    InfoOwner: 'Owner'
    InfoProtected: 'Protected'
    MsgAddedPlayer: 'added player'
    MsgAlreadyAllowed: 'was already allowed'
    MsgAlreadyDenied: 'was already denied'
    MsgAlreadyProcessingPlots: 'is already processing expired plots'
    MsgAlreadyReachedMaxPlots: 'You have already reached your maximum amount of plots'
    MsgAndPlot: 'and plot'
    MsgAuctionCancelled: 'Auction cancelled.'
    MsgAuctionCancelledOnPlot: 'Auction cancelled on plot'
    MsgAuctionStarted: 'Auction started.'
    MsgBidAccepted: 'Bid accepted.'
    MsgBiomeSet: 'Biome set to'
    MsgBoughtPlot: 'bought plot'
    MsgCanBuild: 'can build:'
    MsgCannotBidOwnPlot: 'You cannot bid on your own plot.'
    MsgCannotBuyOwnPlot: 'You cannot buy your own plot.'
    MsgCannotClaimRoad: 'You cannot claim the road.'
    MsgCannotCustomPriceDefault: 'You cannot customize the price. Default price is :'
    MsgCannotSellToBank: 'Plots cannot be sold to the bank in this world.'
    MsgChangedBiome: 'changed the biome of plot'
    MsgChangedOwnerFrom: 'changed owner from'
    MsgChangedOwnerOf: 'changed owner of'
    MsgClaimedPlot: 'claimed plot'
    MsgClearedPlot: 'cleared plot'
    MsgCommentAdded: 'Comment added.'
    MsgCommentedPlot: 'commented on plot'
    MsgComments: 'comments.'
    MsgDeleteSessionFinished: 'Deletion session finished, rerun to reset more plots'
    MsgDeletedExpiredPlots: 'Deleted expired plot'
    MsgDeniedPlayer: 'denied player'
    MsgDisposedPlot: 'disposed of plot'
    MsgDoNotOwnPlot: 'You do not own this plot.'
    MsgDoesNotExistOrNotLoaded: 'does not exist or is not loaded.'
    MsgDoesNotHavePlot: 'does not have a plot'
    MsgEconomyDisabledWorld: 'Economy is disabled for this world.'
    MsgExchangedPlot: 'exchanged plot'
    MsgExpiredPlotsPage: 'Expired plots page'
    MsgFinishedPlotsPage: 'Finished plots page'
    MsgFromBeingSold: 'from being sold'
    MsgFromPlot: 'from plot'
    MsgHasNoOwner: 'has no owners.'
    MsgInvalidAmount: 'Invalid amount. Must be above or equal to 0.'
    MsgInvalidBidMustBeAbove: 'Invalid bid. Must be above'
    MsgIsInvalidBiome: 'is not a valid biome.'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhere: 'List of plots where'
    MsgListOfPlotsWhereYou: 'List of plots where you can build:'
    MsgMarkFinished: 'Plot is now marked finished.'
    MsgNoComments: 'No comments'
    MsgNoPlotExpired: 'No plots are expired'
    MsgNoPlotFound: 'No plot found'
    MsgNoPlotFound1: 'No plot found within'
    MsgNoPlotFound2: 'plots. Contact an admin.'
    MsgNoPlotsFinished: 'No plots are finished'
    MsgNoPlotworldFound: 'No Plot world found.'
    MsgNotEnoughAdd: 'You do not have enough to add a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughAuto: 'You do not have enough to buy a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughBid: 'You do not have enough to bid this much.'
    MsgNotEnoughBiome: 'You do not have enough to change the biome.'
    MsgNotEnoughBuy: 'You do not have enough to buy this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughClear: 'You do not have enough to clear the plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughComment: 'You do not have enough to comment on a plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughDeny: 'You do not have enough to deny a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughDispose: 'You do not have enough to dispose of this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughProtectPlot: 'You do not have enough to protect this plot.'
    MsgNotEnoughRemove: 'You do not have enough to remove a player.'
    MsgNotEnoughTp: 'You do not have enough to teleport home.'
    MsgNotEnoughUndeny: 'You do not have enough to undeny a player.'
    MsgNotPlotWorld: 'This is not a plot world.'
    MsgNotYoursCannotDispose: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to dispose it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedAdd: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to add someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedBiome: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to change it''s biome.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedClear: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to clear it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedDeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to deny someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedRemove: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to remove someone from it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedUndeny: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to undeny someone to it.'
    MsgNotYoursNotAllowedViewComments: 'is not yours. You are not allowed to view the comments.'
    MsgNowAllowed: 'now allowed.'
    MsgNowDenied: 'now denied.'
    MsgNowOwnedBy: 'is now owned by'
    MsgNowUndenied: 'now undenied.'
    MsgOutbidOnPlot: 'Outbid on plot'
    MsgOwnedBy: 'owned by'
    MsgOwnerChangedTo: 'Plot Owner has been set to'
    MsgPermissionDenied: 'Permission denied'
    MsgPlotBought: 'Plot bought.'
    MsgPlotCleared: 'Plot cleared.'
    MsgPlotDisposedAnyoneClaim: 'Plot disposed. Anyone can claim it.'
    MsgPlotExpirationReset: 'Plot expiration reset'
    MsgPlotForSale: 'Plot now for sale.'
    MsgPlotHasBidsAskAdmin: 'Plot is being auctionned and has bids. Ask an admin to cancel it.'
    MsgPlotMovedSuccess: 'Plot moved successfully'
    MsgPlotNoLongerProtected: 'Plot is no longer protected. It is now possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotNoLongerSale: 'Plot no longer for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotAuctionned: 'This plot isn''t being auctionned.'
    MsgPlotNotForSale: 'Plot isn''t for sale.'
    MsgPlotNotFound: 'Could not find plot'
    MsgPlotNowProtected: 'Plot is now protected. It won''t be possible to Clear or Reset it.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotClear: 'Plot is protected and cannot be cleared.'
    MsgPlotProtectedCannotReset: 'Plot is protected and cannot be reset.'
    MsgPlotProtectedNotDisposed: 'Plot is protected and cannot be disposed.'
    MsgPlotReset: 'Plot has been reset.'
    MsgPlotSold: 'Plot sold.'
    MsgPlotUsingBiome: 'This plot is using the biome'
    MsgProtectedPlot: 'protected plot'
    MsgPutOnSalePlot: 'put on sale plot'
    MsgReloadedConfigurations: 'reloaded configurations'
    MsgReloadedSuccess: 'reloaded successfully'
    MsgRemovedPlayer: 'removed player'
    MsgRemovedPlot: 'removed the plot'
    MsgResetPlot: 'reset plot'
    MsgSellingPlotsIsDisabledWorld: 'Selling plots is disabled in this world.'
    MsgSoldTo: 'sold to'
    MsgSoldToBank: 'sold to bank.'
    MsgSoldToBankPlot: 'sold to bank plot'
    MsgStartDeleteSession: 'Starting delete session'
    MsgStartedAuctionOnPlot: 'started an auction on plot'
    MsgStoppedTheAuctionOnPlot: 'stopped the auction on plot'
    MsgThisPlot: 'This plot'
    MsgThisPlotIsNow: 'This plot is now '
    MsgThisPlotOwned: 'This plot is already owned.'
    MsgThisPlotYours: 'This plot is now yours.'
    MsgToGetToIt: 'to get to it'
    MsgToPlot: 'to plot'
    MsgUndeniedPlayer: 'undenied player'
    MsgUnmarkFinished: 'Plot is no longer marked finished.'
    MsgUnprotectedPlot: 'unprotected plot'
    MsgWasDisposed: 'was disposed.'
    MsgWasNotAllowed: 'was not allowed'
    MsgWasNotDenied: 'was not denied'
    MsgWasReset: 'was reset.'
    MsgWorldEditAnywhere: 'You can now WorldEdit anywhere'
    MsgWorldEditInYourPlots: 'You can now only WorldEdit in your plots'
    MsgWorldNotPlot: 'does not exist or is not a plot world.'
    MsgYouHave: 'You have'
    MsgYouHaveNoPlot: 'You don''t have a plot.'
    Suite, j'ai pas encore tout fait mais j'ai pas trop le temps.
    • J'aime J'aime x 1
  11. Jorishdpvp

    Jorishdpvp Sergent-chef

    Justement malo, c'est de la perte de temps :3 ! Car si je disais ca pour tout mes plugins je serai dans le caca :3 !
  12. kumakuma215

    kumakuma215 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 641
    On peut l'utiliser MAIS que si on connait assez bien l'anglais pour trouver les fautes :3 (ou en faisant mot par mot :eek:)
  13. Mario359

    Mario359 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 021
    Moi j'ai une seconde question,
    Une fois que le fichier est traduit, on en fait quoi ?
    C'est écrit au tout début du fichier captions.YML :
    # PlotMe Default Language file (english)
    # Do not edit this config, any changes will be overwritten.
    # To customise language, copy this file with the name caption-custom.yml
    # and set your language in config.yml to custom
    Dans le fichier config.YML je l'ouvre et je fait quoi ?
    Dans les anciennes version de PlotMe il y avait une ligne Language: mais elle n'y est plus depuis la version 0.16.0 du plugin ...
    Du coup je ne sais pas comment faire
  14. Hexday18

    Hexday18 Commandant

    Il faut que tu copie config.yml et tu le nommes caption-custom.yml et tu colles la traduction.
    • Gagnant ! Gagnant ! x 1
  15. Mario359

    Mario359 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 021
    Fichier à traduire pour PlotMe 0.16.3 : Merci de vous Connecter/S'inscrire pour voir les liens.
    Il y a plus de 250 phrases à traduire, GG à celui qui arrivera à tout traduire
  16. Erdack54

    Erdack54 Soldat

    Voilà la traduction complète fais par mes soin: (0.16.3) : Merci de vous Connecter/S'inscrire pour voir les liens.
    • J'aime J'aime x 1
    Dernière édition: 3 Janvier 2016
  17. Mario359

    Mario359 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 021
    Et voici le miens : Merci de vous Connecter/S'inscrire pour voir les liens.
    Par contre je ne sais pas où le mettre pour qu'il fonctionne
    Quelqu'un le sait ?
    J'ai pas compris
  18. kumakuma215

    kumakuma215 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 641
    Avec la nouvelle version tu n'as rien a faire :).
  19. Mario359

    Mario359 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 021
    Alors, je suis allé dans le fichier de configuration, j'ai ajouté une ligne "language: custom" ensuite j'ai mis mon fichier caption-custom.yml dans le dossier PlotMe
    Cette nuit j'ai redémarrer mon serveur (le /reload fait planté) et bha le ficher caption-custom.yml a été supprimé mais la traduction est bien là, je fait /p help et j'ai bien les phrases que j'ai traduites et à l'intérieur du fichier captions.yml il y a mes phrases de traduction
    Dernière édition: 1 Octobre 2015
  20. Mario359

    Mario359 ✬ Maréchal ✬

    1 021
    J'ai modifié le fichier, n'hésitez pas à le dire si vous voyez des fautes d'orthographe et de conjugaison ou autre chose ;)

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